Daily Images

Quality Assurance Image Repository

Use our Warehouse Management Software to easily record and keep track of any notable quality assurance issues, as well as any other miscellaneous information pertaining to that day's workload.

Whether it be damaged pallets, cases, or product, have peace of mind knowing that these conditions are recorded and kept track of, as well as easily located when needed.

Use any camera enabled mobile device to take photos right on the spot, which can include camera enabled scan guns, cell phones etc., and upload them into our WMS Software's Daily Imaging Repository straight from your device.

Group images taken into batches by date and description, and easily locate any image on demand. Create image batches for specific customers if needed, and label them to your liking. Stay organized with our Warehouse Management System's simple and convenient Daily Imaging feature.

Image To Do List

In conjunction with our Warehouse System's Image Repository, take advantage of our WMS ERP System's optional To Do List feature, which allows you to add a list of To Dos or images to be taken, in order to ensure that all the desired photos are taken and uploaded accordingly.

Add To Dos to any Daily Image Batch entry, and generate a corresponding PDF which workers can then scan to begin the image taking process. All of the required photos to be taken are listed right on their To Do PDF printout, and they can easily go down the list and take the necessary photos needed for that day.

This comes especially in handy when there are specific images that need to be taken every time for every single load, for instance if images of pallets and barcodes are required to be taken etc., as well as if there happens to be additional special circumstance photos needed.