Branded BOLs

BOLs can be customized to display your customers' own logo when necessary within our ERP Software. Personalize this per customer, having the option to display either your company logo where applicable, or your customers' own logo in its place.

BOL Signature

In our warehouse management system, have warehouse personnels' contact information automatically printed on every BOL to facilitate easier communication.

BOL Inspection Stamp

Inspection stamps can be included on your BOLs printed from our WMS software to record certain inspection steps taken. Checking for odors, leaks, pest evidence, proper handling and loading of pallets/product etc. can all be enforced in our WMS system by simply filling out the inspection stamp printed on our BOLs for every outbound going out.

Custom BOL Temperature Text

Have cooler or freezer temperature requirements to indicate and uphold? Use our WMS ERP software to print a custom note along with a signature line on your BOLs to indicate your temperature requirements.

BOL Summary vs. Detail

Choose what you want each of your customers to see on their BOLs. Our WMS system has the option to display either a summary by lot and item, or a more detailed view by pallet.

BOL Weight Manifest Pages

Provide additional weight breakdown pages alongside your BOLs. Our WMS ERP software has the option to print any of the following:

  • Catch Weight Manifest by Pallet/Item/Lot
  • Catch Weight Manifest by Item or Item/Lot
  • Catch/Set Weight Manifest by Pallet

BOL Printing Preferences

Save time by having BOLs automatically sent to the printer once generated. In our warehouse management system, BOL documents can be set to automatically print to the designated document printer so they're ready to go when the driver needs it. In addition, if your business likes to have multiple copies on hand, set your printing preferences to automatically print a specified number of copies.

Provisional BOLs

Need a BOL printed ahead of time for the driver? Our WMS ERP software now has the ability to generate provisional BOL PDF documents that contain provisional weights and pallet counts to give a sense ahead of time what is expected to go out on the shipment.