Inbound WMS Overview


  • Inbound WMS



    A billable action that places pallets that have been received into inventory. 


    Putaway Process:

    1. Schedule the putaway (Optional)

    2. Create the putaway

    3. Perform the putaway (The pallet(s) are now officially entered into inventory) 

    4. Bill the putaway 

    5. Invoice the putaway 

    Putaway Billing:


    1. Each putaway created and performed will automatically generate one initial order at billing that will include: 


    1 Pallet Handling Fee per pallet 

    1 First Month/Week/Day Charge per pallet 

    Note: Both inbound charges will be billed immediately unless a grace period is specified during the creation of the putaway. 

    Selecting a grace period will automatically halt the billing of the First Month/Week/Day charge until the grace period comes due.  If the pallet still remains in inventory after the grace period has expired, the First Month/Week/Day charge will automatically be billed and invoiced for.  If the pallet has left before the grace period has come to an end, no First Month/Week/Day charge will be billed.  Recurring storage charges will continue based on the actual received date of the pallet for as long as it remains in inventory.    

    2. Every additional month/week the pallet resides in inventory will automatically generate an order at billing with a recurring anniversary charge: 


    1 Recurring Charge per pallet 

    Note: Any anniversary charges that fall on floating calendar dates will automatically be dated for the last day of that month, and the billing and invoicing of that charge will occur on the first of the following month.  

Putaway Customer Orders

  • Key Information

    Scheduling a Putaway (Optional): 

    Putaway appointments can be optionally added to the Schedule/Calendar to plan and structure your inbounds.  

    Creating a Putaway:

    Putaways can be created for one or multiple items at a time, a blank item and quantity, or just a total weight and no units, and can contain 1 or multiple pallets. 

    If a putaway appointment was created, link the appointment to the putaway to faciliate the completion of the appointment.  

    Pallet Labels: 

    Print Pallet Label Checkbox: Check this box to print a pallet label for the current putaway 

    Save & Print All Open: Click this button to save the current putaway and print ALL labels associated with this current putaway queue 


    Manual Pallet ID: Used to maintain alternative names for certain pallets


    Performing a Putaway: 

    Every putaway created is automatically placed into a putaway queue based on the date and time of creation.  Multiple putaways created on the same date at the same time will be placed in the same queue together. 


    Billing a Putaway:

    All putaways performed must be billed through WMS Activity. 


    Invoicing a Putaway:

    All putaways that have been billed through WMS Activity will automatically be placed in a customer order which will then need to be invoiced.

  • Step 1: Scheduling a Putaway
    Get organized and plan ahead by adding anticipated putaways onto the Schedule/Calendar (Optional). 

    1. Click on the Schedule Icon 

    2. Click on the Add New Button 

    3. Select Putaway Appointment as the Type 

    4. Enter a Date, Customer and Description of the expected Putaway

    5. If applicable, add any Notes and/or enter Contact Email Addresses and Specify Alert(s) 

    6. Click on the Save & Exit Button to save the appointment 

    7. Click on the Edit Icon next to the Schedule Entry and then the Create Confirmation Button to generate and email a Putaway Confirmation

    Note: Once generated, a copy of the Putaway Confirmation will be automatically emailed to all Appt. Contacts.

    8. View the putaway confirmation form

  • Step 2: Creating a Putaway
    1. Go to the Warehouse Menu and click on the Create Putaway Sub-Menu

    2. Click on either the Floor button to put a pallet away to the floor, or click on the Create Putaway icon next to the corresponding bin 

    Single Item/Lot Per Pallet:

    3. Fill in all of the necessary information, then choose whether or not to print a pallet label by checking the Print Pallet Label Checkbox.  

    Note: Selecting a grace period will halt billing of the First Month/Week/Day Storage Charge until the grace period expires, and the charges will only be billed if the pallet still remains in inventory. 

    Note:->  The item/printed contents MUST be the item and its description, it cannot be customized or overridden
    ->  Any changes to the item/printed contents will automatically override the printed notes with the item's description
    -> The printed notes can be customized when creating or adding putaways 

    Pallet Label: 

    4. To link the putaway to a Putaway Appointment on the Calendar/Schedule, click the Putaway Appt. Button, and then select the appointment from the list

    5. Once finished, click one of the Save Buttons to save the putaway 

    6. Once the putaway has been saved, click on the Go to Queue button to start performing the putaway to place the pallet(s) into inventory 

    Mixed Pallets (More than one Item/Lot per pallet):

    3. Fill in all of the necessary information for the first item on the pallet, then choose whether or not to print a pallet label by checking the Print Pallet Label Checkbox

    Note: Selecting a grace period will halt billing of the First Month/Week/Day Storage Charge until the grace period expires, and the charges will only be billed if the pallet still remains in inventory. 

    4. To link the putaway to a Putaway Appointment on the Calendar/Schedule, click the Putaway Appt. Button, and then select the appointment from the list

    5. Click on the Save & Contents Button

    6. Click the Save & Copy or Save & New Button to confirm the first item's placement on the mixed pallet 

    7. Fill in the next item's item number and unit information, then click on either Save & Copy to continue adding items to the pallet or Save & Exit to finish 

    8. After hitting Save & Exit, click the Back button 

    Note: If catch weight items exist on the pallet, use the Take Weights button to record the weights 

    9. Click on Save & Exit 


    Pallet Label: 

    Note: -> For mixed pallets, the Item#/Printed Contents and Printed Notes of the first item only will be displayed on pallet labels.  
    -> The Item #/Printed Contents and Printed Notes will be updated for new pallet labels when items are moved out of a mixed pallet, if and only if, there is only 1 item/lot left on the pallet.  This update is done unless changes were manually made to the Printed Contents prior to the move. 

    10. Once the putaway has been saved, click on the Go to Queue button to start performing the putaway to place the pallet(s) into inventory 

    By Pallet Weight:

    3. Fill in all of the necessary information, then choose whether or not to print a pallet label by checking the Print Pallet Label Checkbox

    Note: Selecting a grace period will halt billing of the First Month/Week/Day Storage Charge until the grace period expires and the pallet still remains in inventory.  

    4. To link the putaway to a Putaway Appointment on the Calendar/Schedule, click the Putaway Appt. Button, and then select the appointment from the list

    5. Click one of the Save buttons to save the putaway 

    4. Once the putaway has been saved, click on the Go to Queue button to start performing the putaway to place the pallet(s) into inventory 

  • Step 3: Performing a Putaway

    Initiating from Putaway Maintenance: 

    1. Click on either the Start Putaway Button or the Start Putaway icon to start placing pallets from the putaway into inventory 

    Initiating through the Putaway Queue: 

    1. Go to the RF Menu and click on the Putaway Queue Sub-Menu 

    2. Click on the Initiate Putaway icon next to the putaway of choice from the list or  scan the label to select the putaway


    3. Click on either the Start Putaway Button or the Start Putaway icon to start placing pallets from the putaway into inventory 


    Scan to Choose: 


    4. Enter the pallet, then click the Next Step button 

    5. Enter the bin the pallet will go into 

    6. Enter the bin again to confirm 

    7. Continue with each pallet until all pallets within the putaway have been confirmed into inventory 

    Note: After placing the first pallet away, the Repeat For All Button can be used to place all pallets within the putaway into the same bin.  

    8.  View all pallets that have been put away into inventory on the Units Inquiry page located under the Warehouse Menu 

  • Step 4: Billing a Putaway
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the WMS Activity Billing Sub-Menu

    2. Click on the Bill to Order icon 

    3. Click on the Submit button 

    Note: Activities can only be billed on the date they were performed. The end of day process will not go through until all activities have been billed for that day.

    4. The putaway has now been billed for and has been placed into a customer order that is ready to be invoiced

    Note: If the entry is removed from the WMS Activity Billing list, then billing has been successful 

  • Step 5: Invoicing a Putaway
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Orders Sub-Menu

    2. Locate the putaway order on the orders listing page 

    3. Click the Edit Order icon next to the putaway order 

    4. Click on the Save & Details button to review the order details

    5. Once the order has been reviewed, click on the Header button 

    6. Review the header and make any necessary changes. Click on the Invoice button to invoice the order 

    Note: The Req. Ship Date on inbound orders can be forward dated to invoice on a future date.   Pallet moves for non-invoiced pallets are allowed, but keep in mind that any inventory whose inbound order has not yet been invoiced will not be allowed to be adjusted or leave the building.  

    *Invoicing an order cannot be undone 

    7. The order has been invoiced and is now closed.   Click on the View Invoices icon to view the invoice document 

    8. Click on the Send Email icon to draft and send an email to the customer's contact(s) with the invoice document attached  

    Note: Those contacts that are setup to receive invoices via email will be automatically sent an email with the invoice document attachment at the time the order is invoiced